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Your Daily Dose of Intentional Living — Week 4 Wrap Up

Want to live a more fulfilling and intentional life?  Sometimes we just need some reminders, fresh inspiration, and someone who’s been there and desires the same thing.

This is my 4th week of broadcasting Your Daily Dose of Intentional Living LIVE this month and I’ve compiled all the videos right here in one place for you.  My goal is to provide helpful and inspirational content and provide simple steps to be more intentional with our time and efforts.


The holidays can be a hard time for many people.  Learn how you can be a blessing to someone through a simple gesture that may take less than 5 seconds, but will leave a lasting impression.


Creating a TOP 3 list is a productivity/time management tip that will help you to stay uber-focused on the most meaningful and important goals and projects in your life.  In this video, I discuss what goes on (and doesn’t go on) the list and the best time of day to create the list.


This week’s word is GRATITUDE.  Learn the 5 areas of your life that will benefit from a daily practice of gratitude.  I also share 3 suggestions on how to actually make the practice daily.


I decided not to do a video on Thursday (Thanksgiving) and instead share this photo as my “Throwback”.  My cousin (the tall guy in the back) and I have not seen each other in 39 years!!  It was great to reconnect with family from Arkansas and Georgia!



In this video I share 3 reasons why being part of a cookbook club will benefit your relationships.  I also give you tips on how to start one!  I’m going to host my first one in the first quarter of 2017.  How about you?  Will you host one, too?

Friends, if you know of someone who might find value in what I’ve shared in these videos, don’t be shy–share away!

Did you miss the wrap-up video posts from previous weeks?
Click here to watch week 1 videos.
Click here to watch week 2 videos.
Click here to watch week 3 videos.

Thanks for watching, friends!  I truly appreciate you spending time with me here today.

With love,

Jill xx

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Your Daily Dose of Intentional Living – Week 3 Wrap Up

Want to live a more fulfilling and intentional life?  Sometimes we just need some reminders, fresh inspiration, and someone who’s been there and desires the same thing.

This is my 3rd week of broadcasting Your Daily Dose of Intentional Living LIVE this month and I’ve compiled all the videos right here in one place for you.  My goal is to provide helpful and inspirational content and provide simple steps to be more intentional with our time and efforts.

Ever feel like you’re completed overwhelmed, OVER IT, or just ready to have a little less stress in your life?  I share two simple exercises that will help you to create a clean slate every day.  I’d love to hear how these work for you!


In this episode, I discuss ways to overcome holiday stress and drama that inevitably happens each year, and also share some good tips to overcome the winter blues.

Mentioned in this video:
Click here to find the fun and free printable conversation starters.  I’d love to hear back from you how smooth and fun your holiday table conversations go after using these!


Wednesday word was DISCIPLINE.  If you’re lacking discipline in an area of your life that you really want to change, this is the video for you!  I share five steps that will help you achieve the discipline you need to make the progress you want.


Today were throwing back to the creator of the model T — Henry Ford. Let’s see what Henry can teach us about creating a growth mindset.

Mentioned in this video:
Mindset by Carol Dweck


Learn a super effective way to be a better friend.

Mentioned in this video:
The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
My article from a few years ago on The 5 Love Languages.

Friends, if you know of someone who might find value in what I’ve shared in these videos, don’t be shy–share away!

Did you miss the wrap-up video posts from previous weeks?
Click here to watch week 1 videos.
Click here to watch week 2 videos.

Here’s to being kind human beings.

Much love,

Jill xx

Disclosure: Some of the links (for the books on Amazon) in this post are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

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Facebook LIVE Week 2 Wrap-Up

Here’s a wrap-up from this week’s Facebook LIVE series: Your Daily Dose of Intentional Living.  If you weren’t able to catch my broadcasts live or later, here they are!

Click here to download your Intention Journal worksheet.  Use this journal to make notes and reminders of helpful ways to pracitce intention in your life.

Monday Motivation

See how taking advice from your “objective self” can be some of the best advice you receive.  Watch and let me know if you’ve ever used this technique.

Tuesday Tip

For this week’s tip, I share a time management tip that, should you implement, will most likely save you at least an hour or even two per day.  No kidding!

Wednesday Word

Today’s word is Community.  Now, more than ever, our communities, our nation need more involvement than before.  I’ve posed three questions for us all to consider in an effort to transform division into action in our communities.  Watch and let me know your thoughts.

Throwback Thursday

We’re stepping up to bat for some wisdom from the one and only, Yogi Berra.  One of Yogi’s famous quotes has taught me a thing or two about the importance of observing and watching.  Watch this video and see if the Yogi-ism mentioned resonates with you, too.

Friendship Friday

Talking about a way to categorize relationships in order to keep a good life-balance, maintain healthy relationships, and rid yourself of the toxic people in your life.  Warning: Don’t confuse this exercise with elf on the shelf!

Friends, if you know of someone who might find value in what I’ve shared in these videos, don’t be shy–share away!

Did you miss the wrap-up from last week?  Click here to watch those videos.

Here’s to being kind human beings.

Much love,

Jill xx

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Facebook LIVE Week 1 Wrap-Up

Your Daily Dose of Intentional Living series went LIVE on Facebook this week.  Each morning at 7 a.m. E.T. (don’t worry, you can watch later, too), I go LIVE and spend 5-10 minutes sharing something that you can implement immediately or at least ponder and use in your efforts to living an intentional life.

Click here to download your free Intention Journal page and follow along each day recording your own thoughts and intentions throughout the week.

Day 1 – Tuesday TIP

I share Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix.  It’s all about choosing the Important over the Urgent, my friends!
Side note– While I love Stephen Covey’s Matrix, this was my first LIVE video, I was nervous as heck, and the example of the matrix I was sharing was apparently backwards on the screen–so you might want to skip down to Wednesday’s WORD–this resonated with a lot of people, and I hope it will with you, too.

Click here to learn more about Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix.

Books mentioned on Tuesday TIP video:
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
First Things First by Stephen Covey

Day 2 – Wednesday’s Word

Our word this week was “Acceptance”.  Whether it be accepting where you are in your life right now, the betrayal of a friend, or the death of a loved one, we all know how tough this step can be.  But, friends, it’s a critical one.  Please watch this video and see where you might need to allow acceptance into your life in order to heal your soul.

Day 3 – Throwback Thursday

Today we learn some great wisdom on intentional living from Helen Keller and Alexander Graham Bell.  Wait until you hear about the connection between these two!

Books mentioned on Tuesday TIP video:

The Story of My Life by Helen Keller

Day 4 – Friendship Friday

Who are the five people you spend the most time with?  Do you they lift you up or bring you down?  Today, I’m sharing some wisdom from Jim Rohn ont the importance of surrounding ourselves with people we respect, are encouraged by, help us to make good decisions, and be the best version of ourselves.

Join me over on Facebook for the LIVE for the “Your Daily Dose of Intentional Living” series that I’ll be filming through the entire month of November.

Click here to watch Week 2 videos.

Here’s to loving your intentional life!

Jill xx

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Your Daily Dose of Intentional Living

Hi, friend.  I’m so glad you’re here!

Watch my video message as I share a bit on my recent blog break and some fun news for the month of November!

Click here to head over to my Facebook business page.

Facebook LIVE “Your Daily Dose of Intentional Living” starts on Tuesday November 1, 2016.
Monday – Friday at 7 a.m. ET.

I’ll still be posting here on Saturdays with the week’s wrap-up, but be sure to watch the videos each day to make the most of your efforts in living an intentional life.  (NOTE: Not available at 7 a.m. ET?  You can watch the video at any time after the LIVE broadcast, too.)

Click here to download your free Intention Journal page and follow along each day recording your own thoughts and intentions for the day.

See you on Tuesday!

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How To Get Big Results With Tiny Habits

Over the last couple months, I’ve found myself saying one of these types of sentences every Sunday evening (comes out as a very convincing self-pep-talk, by the way): “OK! Tomorrow, I will get back to exercising regularly;”  Or, “Tomorrow, I will get started on my new writing routine.  It’s gonna be amazing!”  Or, “Next weekend, I will start organizing the heaps of ‘very important’ stuff (that I haven’t found a need for in the last 15 years!) in the basement.”

Come Monday, the intentions are there, but lazy human nature kicks in and getting back to that exercise, writing, or de-cluttering plan gets sucked up by “quickly” checking Facebook or really just finding any random rabbit hole to run down.

Can you relate?

Sticking to good habits can be surprisingly difficult.  You’d think the benefits and transformation that come from practicing good habits would be incentive enough for us to never fall off the wagon.

The biggest habit-busting culprit for me is deviating from my normal routine.  For example, if I go on vacation, all good habit bets are off.  My idea of vacation is to unplug and not have anything hindering me from rest and relaxation.  There will be no schedules to tie me down!  Even if I veer from my routine for just a day or two, it sets me back.  I still haven’t convinced myself that I should stick to my normal routine while on vacation, but just realizing this tendency to abandon beneficial habits can help when you get home.  Admitting a problem is the first step in doing better, right?

Back in January, I came across an amazing method of creating and practicing habits: “Tiny Habits”.  The brain behind the “Tiny Habits” methodology, B.J. Fogg, is a behavior scientist and teacher at Stanford University.

Here’s how B.J. describes a Tiny Habit:

As I see it, a “Tiny Habit” is a behavior —

  • you do at least once a day
  • that takes you less than 30 seconds
  • that requires little effort

B.J. suggests you outline your tiny habit goal like this:

“After (or before) I {insert existing habit}, I will {insert new tiny habit}.”
Example:  “After I turn on the evening news, I will get on my exercise bike and begin pedaling.”

The genius of his habit-creating system is that you are anchoring a very simple and tiny new habit to an existing habit.  For example, I chose something I do every day — my existing habit of taking a shower — and anchored it to one of my new tiny habits (doing 10 push-ups).  Several months later, I’m here to testify that this tiny habit has stuck.  NOTE: In the first couple weeks, there would be days where I’d be in the shower and realize I’d forgotten to do my push-ups.  To help with this, I wrote myself a note and stuck it to my mirror.  As an additional note/disclaimer….I do girl push-ups.  : )

The first three tiny habits I initially set out to create were:

  • Before I shower, I will do 10 push-ups
  • After I begin to brew coffee, I will drink one glass of water.
  • Before I get out of bed each morning, I will name three things I am grateful for.

Since it’s been a while and I’ve developed these tiny habits into regular habits, I’m working on a new tiny habit: “After I walk the dogs, I will do my 7-Minute Workout app routine.”  Since I’m already in casual clothes and maybe even sweaty, why not keep up the momentum of exercise, right?

Something Tiny Habits creator B.J. Fogg stresses in one’s efforts to create tiny habits, is to keep it very simple.  Here are a few tiny habit examples he shares on his blog:

“After I start the dishwasher, I will read one sentence from a book.”

“After I walk in my door from work, I will get out my workout clothes.”

“After I sit down on the train, I will open my sketch notebook.”

“After I hear any phone ring, I will exhale and relax for 2 seconds.”

You may be wondering what the point is to “read one sentence from a book” or just “open a sketch notebook”.  The mindset behind this is that if you take the first tiny little step, chances are you’ll take the next, too.  Momentum generally builds upon one tiny little action.  Can you imagine getting your book out (after starting the dishwasher) and truly only reading one sentence??  Or getting your sketch book out on the train and only drawing one line??

I have a friend that also began implementing tiny habits and he created a list to help him see the variety of daily habits he could potentially anchor to and those which might trigger a new tiny habit.  In other words, he uses these regular activities to activate new tiny habits to help him reach his goals.

Here’s his “trigger” or “anchor” list:

Around the house

  • Throw something away in trash
  • Throw something away in recycle
  • Feed Chloe (Jill note: this is his dog)
  • Let Chloe out
  • Go to the bathroom
  • Make coffee
  • Turn on TV
  • Turn off/on lights
  • Turn on/off faucets
  • Wash hands
  • Change diapers (Jill note: he and his wife have two adorable twin girls!)

Getting ready for day/winding down

  • Shower
  • Wake up
  • Put on clothes
  • Change clothes for bed
  • Put in/take out contacts
  • Turn on shower
  • Towel off after shower

Work related

  • Get in car to go to work
  • Get in car to go home
  • Walk into work
  • Turn on work computer

Food related

  • Eat breakfast
  • Eat lunch
  • Eat dinner

An example of how he uses the above actions to create benefiting habits — before stepping into the shower, he has committed himself to 3 push-ups (at least).

So, here’s my challenge for you today: Decide on 3 tiny habits that you can begin to practice today.  It might be helpful to create your own habit trigger/anchor list like my friend did to help you see the bountiful opportunities you, too, have on any given day.

Remember, the key is to keep it super simple and trust in the process.

If you’re willing, I’d love to hear what tiny habits you’re going to implement into your daily routine.  Let me know in the comment section below.

You can do this!!

Jill xx

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Do The Next Thing

You know what I want for all of us?  Hint: It’s my favorite thing to write about on this blog and to personally strive for in my everyday life: Joyful, intentional, balanced living.

Dictionary.com defines these words as follows:

Joyful:  Full of joy, as a person or one’s heart; glad; delighted.
Intentional: Done with intention or on purpose.
Balanced: Being in harmonious or proper arrangement or adjustment, proportion,etc.

Joy.  Purpose.  Harmony.  I feel a song coming on!!

If only it were as easy as singing a song and — voila! Done.  We live happily ever after, day after day, with joy, purpose, and harmony.

The problem is when we have those those long days (and sometimes even weeks) where we feel frustrated, stuck, exhausted, or overwhelmed.

Those awful days that steal our joy, have us forgetting that we do have a significant purpose, and those days that we feel so out of whack, that balance is the farthest thing from what we feel.

I’ve just experienced a bit of this feeling recently and after I let myself sit in the dumps for a bit, I decided to follow one piece of advice that is like a miracle cure to get you back on the joyful, intentional, balanced train.

Do.  The.  Next.  Thing.  

That’s it!

Remember the song, Put One Foot In Front of The Other?  It’s as simple as that.

It sounds pretty easy, especially when you’re singing that song, but when you’re feeling depressed, unmotivated, confused, anxious, overwhelmed, ticked-off, unsure, worthless, unhappy, or even just lazy, it’s not easy — at all.

I find when things are hard like this, the key is to break projects down into small actionable steps and pick one thing to do.  Now don’t overthink it.  If you start to overthink it, don’t allow yourself.  Pick one thing and start with that.  Who cares if it’s not the most critical thing that needs to be done?!  We’re not in the frame of mind to be hyper-organized right now!  After you do that first thing, then do the next thing.

For example, say you have people coming over in a couple hours and you’re on the verge of cancelling everything because your house is trashed, you’re in a bad mood, and the cat just puked on the floor.

My suggestion is to clean the cat puke up first, otherwise you might step in it later and then you’re really gonna fly off the handle or just sit down and cry.


Make yourself go into one room that people you have coming over will see, jot down the top 2-3 things that need to be done and do the one on the top of your list. Then…do the next thing.  Then…do the next thing.  Then, move on to the next room and do the same thing.

Did you see what happened?  You just got that one room ready by practicing doing the next thing.

At this point, as you begin to tackle the next room, a strange whistling sound may escape your mouth!  Yes, you may begin to feel happy, because you’re getting stuff done, my friend!

Now, imagine you’re so flustered that the thought of even writing a 2-3 item to-do list per room will send you over the edge.  That’s ok.  You, my friend, are going to go into one of the rooms that people will see and look down or off to the side and pick something up.  Take that thing and put it in its proper place.  Continue in that same room, just doing the next thing until the room is sufficiently ready to be used by you and your guests.

These “next things” can span from changing the next diaper, to picking up the next dust-bunny, to writing the next check, to paying your bills, to pulling the next weed, to putting the next dish in the dishwasher, to writing that next sentence in your journal, to calling the next house repair person on your list, to writing that next proposal, to mailing that next condolence card, to filling out the next online form, to calling the next person you need to follow up with on something….

You see where I’m going with this?  There is major power in just doing the next thing.  When you create momentum by doing the next thing, it will help bring you to a place of joy, intention, and balance.  That’s the way we’re supposed to be living!

You might not be able to achieve it in one afternoon, but as that momentum builds, you start creating order in your life which allows room for joy, intention, and balance.

Here’s to you leading a joyful, intentional, and balanced life, one step at a time!

Jill xx

P.S. You know others are going through this same thing, how about sharing this with them to help get them moving in the right direction?

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How an Early-Morning Routine Will Make Your Life Better

What’s your morning routine like?  Slow and relaxing, or rushed and stressful?  Are you an actual “morning person”, or does it take at least two cups of coffee for the sleep cobwebs to clear and for you to even consider uttering a word?  Are you productive in the morning?

About 18 months ago, I began a morning routine that has drastically changed my life for the better.  I began waking up around 4:30 a.m. — on purpose!  Why on earth would a sane person do this?

For me, the driving force was my desire to write.  My daily routine and choices at the time didn’t allow me time in the day or evening to write, so I had to create some brand new space within the existing 24-hour period.

If you’re cringing at the idea of getting up before the crack of dawn even thinks about cracking, let me share my three favorite things about this time of day (or is it night??).  First of all, it’s the most quiet and peaceful time of day.  There’s really nothing like it.  No one’s calling or knocking and if you have kids or animals, they should still be sleeping.  Second, your will-power and focus is super strong early in the morning because you don’t have anything else pulling at you, and you’ve not exhausted many brain cells yet. And lastly, whatever you accomplish during this time feels like a bonus.  It’s as if you’ve created a few extra magical hours in the day that no one else knows about.

Well, I want you to know about these magical hours!  I want you to experience the good that can happen in your life by creating an early-morning routine.

By creating this new space in my day, I had to make some life changes.  In order to get up at 4:30 a.m., I had to go to bed earlier.  I do best on 7-8 hours of sleep, so that means lights out at 8:30 or 9 p.m.  This was a big adjustment for me because I really enjoyed settling down and watching television about that time.  So much so, that we decided to go ahead and get rid of the television altogether.  This may sound severe, but taking that distraction away and saving on the Cable bill worked for us.  (P.S. Don’t worry, my husband was on board…he didn’t watch the tube much anyway.)

So now I can’t tell you what’s happening on HGTV, Food Network or Bravo, but I get to write, and that’s been such a valuable outlet for me.  And, because I choose to get up extra early, this also allows me time to work on other things that are important to me, both spiritually and physically.

If you don’t already have an early-morning routine, I strongly recommend you try it out.  Just try for one month and see how it works for you.  I’m telling you–it’s life-changing!  I’ve heard from several die-hard night owls, that switched to an early-morning routine, and they say they will never go back to their night owl ways.

A few tips to help you as you think about trying this out:

  1.  What’s your why?  What’s important enough for you to make this change?  I choose to focus on mind, body, and soul stuff.  When I put these three areas at the top of my priority list, everything else in my life is better.
  2.  Don’t cheat yourself on sleep.  A proper amount of sleep is critical to your well-being.  The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7+ hours/night for adults.
  3. What gets written down, gets done.  Write out a schedule for your morning routine and follow it.  Making your morning routine a habit helps you to stick with it.
    Here’s my schedule as an example:

Monday – Friday

4:40 a.m.: Wake up and give thanks for three things before getting out of bed.
4:45 a.m.: Make coffee and do neck exercises.
4:50 a.m.: Pray and Bible study.
5:30 a.m.: Write.
6:15 a.m.: Exercise 3x/week.  Read for fun 2x/week.
7:00 a.m.: Feed dogs.
7:05 a.m.: Make/eat breakfast.
7:20 a.m.: Play Bananagrams.
7:30 a.m.: Shower/dress/tidy/fetch the dogs.
8:00 a.m.: Begin work day.

I’d love to hear about your early-morning routine, if you already have one.  How is your life better because of it?  If you don’t already have an early-morning routine, I’d love to hear that you’ll give it a shot.  Let me know in the comments below.

Have a happy day!

Jill xx


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The Power of 5 Minute Tasks

We all have 5 minutes to spare, here and there, throughout the day.  Over the last several months, I’ve uncovered the magic of what all can really happen in 5 minutes.

It lies in the power of choosing a task and working on it for 5 minutes straight without interruption.  This may be a task at home, work, or when you’re out and about.  You might be thinking, “What can I get done in 5 minutes?  I’ve got a pile of stuff to tackle and I’m lucky if I can get up and out the door each morning.”  I know!  I always thought that, too, but the reality is, you can get a lot done in 5 minutes.

I have included 9 simple ideas below to spend your 5 minutes.

But before you dive in, trust this:  One of three things will happen when you accept the 5-minute challenge:

  1. You will complete an entire task that you may have otherwise decided to put off until “you have more time”.  If you like to check things off your to-do list, 5-minute tasks are the best!
  2. You will whittle away at a larger task.  As you continue to spend your 5 minute sessions on this larger task, before you know it, the entire task will be complete.  Whittling away at a task can make a daunting task seem less overwhelming.
  3. You will start with 5 minutes, but when you see the progress you’ve just made, your motivation and momentum kick in and (if and when you have time) you’ll find yourself still working on the task, happily, an hour later.

5-Minute Challenge Task Ideas:

1. De-clutter/Organize.  A cluttered or unorganized house, car, or office not only clutters your physical space, but also clutters your mind.  By spending 5 minutes de-cluttering an area, you will be happy, not only with the aesthetic value, but for the internal peace it will bring you as well.
I’m still a work in progress in this area, but here are a few handy tips that help me de-clutter and organize in 5 minutes:

1.  Pick one small area to focus on.  You’ve got 5 minutes, so pick an area within an area, if you can.  For example, while you may decide to target your closet as an overall project, decide on one section within your closet to tackle in the 5 minute period: Fold, organize, and create a giveaway pile for all sweaters.  The same could go for any single item or area of your closet: shoes, scarfs, seasonal clothes, etc.     
2. Set your timer.
3. Get to work.
4. Mark down your progress in a journal or tracking sheet.  This is not a necessity, but it’s a great way to keep yourself accountable, systematically work through the various areas in need, and is an excellent visual way to celebrate your successes.
2. Clean.  I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand leaving the house with dirty dishes in the sink.  Not long ago, I went to bed without doing the dinner dishes (a big lasagna dinner), woke up late the next morning, and with 5 minutes to spare before running out the door, looked at those dishes and had a deep dread of coming home to that mess.  Instead, I threw on an apron and got to work on those dishes.  I kid you not, that mountain of caked on lasagna mess was cleaned in 5 minutes.  What I thought for sure I’d need a good 30 minutes to clean, was done in 5 minutes.  DISCLAIMER:  I do have a dishwasher, but I thoroughly scrub my dishes before putting them in.
Cleaning your bathroom for 5 minutes also works wonders.  I remember a friend’s mom told me when I was in high school that if you spend a few minutes cleaning your bathroom a couple times a week, you never really have to do a DEEP cleaning, because it never gets dirty enough.  I keep disinfectant wipes in my bathroom and follow this wise woman’s advice once or twice a week and it keeps things fresh and the need for a deep clean to a minimum.
Same goes for most any area of your house.  Got get ’em!
3. Take a mental time out.  Not the same as meditation, but a deliberate 5 minutes of just slowing down to breath deeply, take a look at the beauty around you, or just sit and enjoy the silence around you. 
4. Quick email/text/note/call to a handful of people to catch up.  ‘Tis better to hear something than nothing at all, right?  Trust me, friends, I’ve been the worst at this at times.  I’ve decided not to reach out to someone because I didn’t have 30 minutes to devote to a “proper” conversation.  Well, that 30 minutes of free time doesn’t present itself very often, so chances are you just won’t communicate to that person at all.  Is letting a year pass by better than a quick “Hi!  Thinking about you today.  Hope you have an awesome day!” text, email, or voicemail?  I think not.  Personally, I’d rather hear that from a friend.  I’m busy, too, so being on the receiving end of that text would be a relief for me.  How about you?
Read an article I wrote here about a note I sent that was 274 days late.
5. Pray and meditate.  You’d be surprised how many people, concerns, and thanksgivings you can cover in a 5 minute prayer session.  Seriously–you’ll walk away feeling so much hope and goodwill in your heart.  And if you’ve ever sat still quietly in meditation for 2 minutes – let alone, 5 minutes – you know how beneficial it can be.
6. Brainstorm an idea.  Have you had an idea you’ve been thinking about, but always push it to the backseat because you “just don’t have the time”?  Well, you won’t believe what a 5 minute brainstorming session using a pencil and paper can produce.  Try this  mind-mapping technique I wrote about here.  I use this technique on almost all my blog posts and I’m always amazed at what comes out on paper when I do this.
7. Book an appointment.  There’s bound to be something on your to-do list that you keep pushing down the priority list, but you really need to get done.  Let’s face it, scrolling through Facebook for 5 minutes is a whole lot more fun than calling to listen to an automated voice direct us through unending options, to finally get stuck with someone on the other side of the line who appears to not be having the best day and her voice is implying you are part of the reason!  However, the dental appointment, vet appointment, appointment to get your boiler serviced, or that dreaded colonoscopy appointment needs to be made.  NOTE: My current dentist and vet both have friendly people on the other end of the line. : )
8. Move your body.  People (talking to myself here, too !!!), we have been given this one body to last us for possibly century.  How can we expect to avoid health problems if we don’t show a little love and respect to our bodies??  We must do more.  And 5 minutes can go a long way.  Stretch, take a quick walk, do an exercise that can be done at your desk, at home, or in the grocery line.
I have these neck/shoulder exercises that I really should do several days per week in order to prevent further injury and guess what?  I cannot tell you how many days – even weeks – I have put off doing these exercises.  It’s crazy!  Especially when they don’t take that long and they’re not hard.
After re-injuring my neck/shoulder a few months ago, I printed out the exercises my physical therapist gave me and taped them to the inside of the cabinet that houses my coffee cups.  So now, when I’m brewing my coffee (which takes 5.5 minutes), I do my exercises (which only take 4.5 minutes).

9. Journal.  You don’t have to write a novel each time you journal.  It’s actually a bit freeing to set a timer for 5 minutes and just write.  A 5 minute “stream of consciousness” can be a really fun exercise.  Just pick one person, place, or thing to write about and let it flow!

So, now you’ve got 9 ideas to inspire and motivate you to get started on your 5-minute challenge.

Will you commit to trying this over the next week?  You can choose to do one 5-minute task each day or maybe a few 5-minute tasks per day.

TIP:  I’ve found that when I tie my task to something like the time it takes to brew my coffee or for my dogs to eat their breakfast and go out to the bathroom, or for the clothes in the dryer to fluff, it helps me remember to do the task and also makes me want to try to “beat the clock” which is fun.

I’d love to hear from you.  Let me know how you’re crushing your 5-minute tasks.

Here’s to getting stuff done!

Enjoy your day.

Jill xx
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Are You Experiencing Decision Fatigue?

Who’s with me?

You love Chinese food, but the 72 page menu is a bit overwhelming.

The seemingly simple task of grabbing a box of cereal at the grocery store, turns into a 12 minute scavenger hunt, amid the 217 different types of cereal to choose from.

You stand at your closet every morning feeling inadequate.  You look at the sea of clothes and every piece suddenly has a complexity to it that you can’t seem to figure out.  Does that skirt I’ve had since 9th grade go with that modern day shirt?  Do stripes and plaid go together or is that just in home decor??

Here’s the deal…

We live in a society with many, many choices, and yes, we are totally blessed.  Most of us can afford to eat out from time to time.  Many of us actually go clothes shopping for fun (you know I don’t fall in this category!).

However, when the process of decision-making becomes overwhelming, inefficient, stressful, time consuming, or we’re just making bad choices, we’ve reached a point of decision fatigue.

Yes, there’s a term for it!

Decision fatigue is when we make worse decisions, or find it hard to make a decision at all, when we have, or have had, lots of decisions to make.

Here’s the question: How do we overcome decision fatigue?

My answer: We create a life with fewer decisions.

Of course, we can’t get rid of all decisions, but there are clear and very attainable choices we can make to facilitate a decision fatigue-less life.  To bring it home, let’s address the three areas of decision fatigue I mentioned earlier in this post regarding eating out, grocery shopping, and dressing yourself each day.

How to deal with restaurant menu selection fatigue:

  1. Just ask what the most popular item is and order that.  Period.  Whether you like it or not, record it.  (See step 3 below.)
  2. Find a favorite meal and order it every single time.  I’ve been ordering #20 at my favorite Mexican restaurant (shout out to Cocula’s!) for nearly five years and love every bite!  If someone judges you for your lack of experimentation, who cares!  Ignore them and enjoy your delicious meal.
  3. Keep a list of things you like at different restaurants in your phone or in a notebook you can keep with you.  Whip that baby out at order time and instead of spending 20 minutes reviewing the menu, enjoy your free time in the company of your dining partners.

How to deal with grocery store selection overwhelm:

  1. Shop where there aren’t so many options.
    Supermarket News (What?? You don’t read this publication??) published findings that indicate that “63% of consumers are willing to pay more for simpler experiences, and 69% are inclined to recommend a brand because it’s simple.”  Guess who was voted the world’s simplest brand for the 3rd year in a row?  Aldi!  My Aldi only has six aisles.  I heard a few people raving about Aldi a few years ago, went, and came away unimpressed and suspicious of everything.  I thought everything was either outdated or off-brand which equaled GROSS!  Oh, how my heart has changed!  After some serious prompting from friends who love and adore Aldi, I tried it again last year, with a new and improved attitude, and I love it!  There’s a blogger named Ruth who compiled a list of 15 things to buy at Aldi and 5 things to avoid, click here to check out her helpful list.  P.S. Publix grocery store, also received a high ranking in the simplicity department.  Publix is big, with way more aisles than Aldi has, but I do like it, too.
  2. Be prepared when you enter a grocery store.
    The two rules for grocery store shopping are: 1. Don’t enter a grocery store without a grocery list, and  2.  Stick to the outside aisles (this is where the healthier items are).  The key is to stick to your list and keep your eyes off the “shiny objects” that the marketers use to draw you in to the latest and greatest queso dip!   My friend Nancy has a printable grocery list she created in Excel that includes all the typical items she shops for by store and by aisle.  This helps to keep you organized, on track, and limits those, “Oh, man! I forgot the peanut butter!!” moments in the car ride home.   

How to deal with the daily clothing selection panic zone:

  1. Lay your clothes out the night before or even a week in advance.  I know this is the right thing to do, but I struggle with taking my own advice.  When I do, I’m a much happier person and probably look more put together, too.
  2. Wear the same thing every day.  (I am seriously contemplating this option.)
    I know this may sound like a stretch, but Mark Zuckerberg does it and he’s reasonably smart, right?  Here’s a picture from his closet that he posted on his Facebook page earlier this week:
    You may be saying, “Well, he’s a guy!  Guys can get away with wearing the same outfit every day…Hold on!  Ladies, here’s our role model!  Her name is Matilda Kahl and she’s the art director for a leading creative agency in NYC.  She’s got major street cred, awesome fashion sense, and made a decision to cut down on the stress she experienced with decision fatigue related to clothing choices.  She decided to wear the same outfit to work every day.  This is HUGE!  I could pull this off without much notice, but she’s the art director for a NYC agency!!  Here’s the cute outfit she landed on…simple and elegant:

    FRIDAY OUTFIT: Matilda Kahl had an epiphany after a particularly stressful morning trying to get to a meeting on time. It started out the way mornings do for many office dwellers picking out what to wear; a time-consuming process of mixing and matching pieces in the closet and tossing aside what doesn’t feel right. When she finally reached the office at Saatchi & Saatchi, an advertising firm in New York City, “I realized I was not only late, but with my sweater inside out. Kahl, an art director for the firm, found an elegant solution that would simplify her life. She chose a look she could wear every day: a white silk shirt with a diagonal button line from Zara — 15 of them, in fact — and a few pairs of black pants. Photo credit goes to Rasmus Keger.

    Photo credit: Rasmus Keger.

The moral of the story: Make life more simple, so you’re able to enjoy the life you have.

Question for you?  Do you struggle with decision fatigue?  What have you, or will you, cut down on to limit the fatigue?

As always, I appreciate you spending time with me here today, and appreciate your insight and thoughts, should you choose to share them.

Have an awesome day!

Jill xx