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Do The Next Thing

You know what I want for all of us?  Hint: It’s my favorite thing to write about on this blog and to personally strive for in my everyday life: Joyful, intentional, balanced living.

Dictionary.com defines these words as follows:

Joyful:  Full of joy, as a person or one’s heart; glad; delighted.
Intentional: Done with intention or on purpose.
Balanced: Being in harmonious or proper arrangement or adjustment, proportion,etc.

Joy.  Purpose.  Harmony.  I feel a song coming on!!

If only it were as easy as singing a song and — voila! Done.  We live happily ever after, day after day, with joy, purpose, and harmony.

The problem is when we have those those long days (and sometimes even weeks) where we feel frustrated, stuck, exhausted, or overwhelmed.

Those awful days that steal our joy, have us forgetting that we do have a significant purpose, and those days that we feel so out of whack, that balance is the farthest thing from what we feel.

I’ve just experienced a bit of this feeling recently and after I let myself sit in the dumps for a bit, I decided to follow one piece of advice that is like a miracle cure to get you back on the joyful, intentional, balanced train.

Do.  The.  Next.  Thing.  

That’s it!

Remember the song, Put One Foot In Front of The Other?  It’s as simple as that.

It sounds pretty easy, especially when you’re singing that song, but when you’re feeling depressed, unmotivated, confused, anxious, overwhelmed, ticked-off, unsure, worthless, unhappy, or even just lazy, it’s not easy — at all.

I find when things are hard like this, the key is to break projects down into small actionable steps and pick one thing to do.  Now don’t overthink it.  If you start to overthink it, don’t allow yourself.  Pick one thing and start with that.  Who cares if it’s not the most critical thing that needs to be done?!  We’re not in the frame of mind to be hyper-organized right now!  After you do that first thing, then do the next thing.

For example, say you have people coming over in a couple hours and you’re on the verge of cancelling everything because your house is trashed, you’re in a bad mood, and the cat just puked on the floor.

My suggestion is to clean the cat puke up first, otherwise you might step in it later and then you’re really gonna fly off the handle or just sit down and cry.


Make yourself go into one room that people you have coming over will see, jot down the top 2-3 things that need to be done and do the one on the top of your list. Then…do the next thing.  Then…do the next thing.  Then, move on to the next room and do the same thing.

Did you see what happened?  You just got that one room ready by practicing doing the next thing.

At this point, as you begin to tackle the next room, a strange whistling sound may escape your mouth!  Yes, you may begin to feel happy, because you’re getting stuff done, my friend!

Now, imagine you’re so flustered that the thought of even writing a 2-3 item to-do list per room will send you over the edge.  That’s ok.  You, my friend, are going to go into one of the rooms that people will see and look down or off to the side and pick something up.  Take that thing and put it in its proper place.  Continue in that same room, just doing the next thing until the room is sufficiently ready to be used by you and your guests.

These “next things” can span from changing the next diaper, to picking up the next dust-bunny, to writing the next check, to paying your bills, to pulling the next weed, to putting the next dish in the dishwasher, to writing that next sentence in your journal, to calling the next house repair person on your list, to writing that next proposal, to mailing that next condolence card, to filling out the next online form, to calling the next person you need to follow up with on something….

You see where I’m going with this?  There is major power in just doing the next thing.  When you create momentum by doing the next thing, it will help bring you to a place of joy, intention, and balance.  That’s the way we’re supposed to be living!

You might not be able to achieve it in one afternoon, but as that momentum builds, you start creating order in your life which allows room for joy, intention, and balance.

Here’s to you leading a joyful, intentional, and balanced life, one step at a time!

Jill xx

P.S. You know others are going through this same thing, how about sharing this with them to help get them moving in the right direction?

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How an Early-Morning Routine Will Make Your Life Better

What’s your morning routine like?  Slow and relaxing, or rushed and stressful?  Are you an actual “morning person”, or does it take at least two cups of coffee for the sleep cobwebs to clear and for you to even consider uttering a word?  Are you productive in the morning?

About 18 months ago, I began a morning routine that has drastically changed my life for the better.  I began waking up around 4:30 a.m. — on purpose!  Why on earth would a sane person do this?

For me, the driving force was my desire to write.  My daily routine and choices at the time didn’t allow me time in the day or evening to write, so I had to create some brand new space within the existing 24-hour period.

If you’re cringing at the idea of getting up before the crack of dawn even thinks about cracking, let me share my three favorite things about this time of day (or is it night??).  First of all, it’s the most quiet and peaceful time of day.  There’s really nothing like it.  No one’s calling or knocking and if you have kids or animals, they should still be sleeping.  Second, your will-power and focus is super strong early in the morning because you don’t have anything else pulling at you, and you’ve not exhausted many brain cells yet. And lastly, whatever you accomplish during this time feels like a bonus.  It’s as if you’ve created a few extra magical hours in the day that no one else knows about.

Well, I want you to know about these magical hours!  I want you to experience the good that can happen in your life by creating an early-morning routine.

By creating this new space in my day, I had to make some life changes.  In order to get up at 4:30 a.m., I had to go to bed earlier.  I do best on 7-8 hours of sleep, so that means lights out at 8:30 or 9 p.m.  This was a big adjustment for me because I really enjoyed settling down and watching television about that time.  So much so, that we decided to go ahead and get rid of the television altogether.  This may sound severe, but taking that distraction away and saving on the Cable bill worked for us.  (P.S. Don’t worry, my husband was on board…he didn’t watch the tube much anyway.)

So now I can’t tell you what’s happening on HGTV, Food Network or Bravo, but I get to write, and that’s been such a valuable outlet for me.  And, because I choose to get up extra early, this also allows me time to work on other things that are important to me, both spiritually and physically.

If you don’t already have an early-morning routine, I strongly recommend you try it out.  Just try for one month and see how it works for you.  I’m telling you–it’s life-changing!  I’ve heard from several die-hard night owls, that switched to an early-morning routine, and they say they will never go back to their night owl ways.

A few tips to help you as you think about trying this out:

  1.  What’s your why?  What’s important enough for you to make this change?  I choose to focus on mind, body, and soul stuff.  When I put these three areas at the top of my priority list, everything else in my life is better.
  2.  Don’t cheat yourself on sleep.  A proper amount of sleep is critical to your well-being.  The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7+ hours/night for adults.
  3. What gets written down, gets done.  Write out a schedule for your morning routine and follow it.  Making your morning routine a habit helps you to stick with it.
    Here’s my schedule as an example:

Monday – Friday

4:40 a.m.: Wake up and give thanks for three things before getting out of bed.
4:45 a.m.: Make coffee and do neck exercises.
4:50 a.m.: Pray and Bible study.
5:30 a.m.: Write.
6:15 a.m.: Exercise 3x/week.  Read for fun 2x/week.
7:00 a.m.: Feed dogs.
7:05 a.m.: Make/eat breakfast.
7:20 a.m.: Play Bananagrams.
7:30 a.m.: Shower/dress/tidy/fetch the dogs.
8:00 a.m.: Begin work day.

I’d love to hear about your early-morning routine, if you already have one.  How is your life better because of it?  If you don’t already have an early-morning routine, I’d love to hear that you’ll give it a shot.  Let me know in the comments below.

Have a happy day!

Jill xx


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29 Ways to Love Yourself

Remember the song, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover?  In this week’s post, I’m sharing 29 ways to love yourself.  Sounds a little more upbeat, don’t ya think?

Why 29?

Because I thought we should celebrate the fact that it’s a leap year — a year that only comes along once every four years, and includes an extra day.  That extra day is February 29.  Crazy cool fact: Both my sister-in-law and her first daughter were born on leap year…there’s only a 1 in 2-million chance of that happening!  I think there’s at least a 4 in 2-million chance of seeing a unicorn!

Since February is a month symbolizing and celebrating love, I thought we’d look inward and focus on ways to practice self-love.

Now, when I suggest we turn inward and focus on self-love, that’s a good thing and shouldn’t be confused with being self-centered or narcissistic.  Self-love is critical to maintaining a healthy, happy, and balanced life.  When we love ourselves well, we are more loveable to others too, so you can’t go wrong.

Loving yourself shouldn’t be complicated, but it can take intention and effort.  I’ve listed out 29 ways to show love to yourself. These suggestions are ones that I, personally, use or that may be beneficial to you.  Of course, there may be things that would better show love to yourself that aren’t on this list–focus on what will serve you best.

Some of the ideas below are easier and take less time than others–great!  Others will take some reflection, some soul-searching, and maybe some accountability or support in other ways.

Here’s how I suggest you use the list:

1.  Either print this post or get a notebook out to write down the items in step #3.

2.  Read through the list and place a check-mark next to the areas where you feel like you’re already showing yourself love in those ways.  Good job on those, by the way!

3.   Now go back through the list and circle 1-3 of the actions you’ll commit to working on throughout the next month.

4.  At the end of the month, review the 1-3 actions you’ve been working on and, if you’ve noticed great improvement, place a check-mark next to the item.  If you haven’t noticed great improvement, continue working on your love goal.

29 Ways to Love on Yourself 

  1. Surround yourself with people that lift you, inspire you, and make you feel good.
  2. Get rid of toxic people in your life.
  3. Speak kindly to yourself.  Don’t say things to yourself that you wouldn’t say to someone you respected or loved.
  4. Laugh often.  Laughter is salve for the soul.
  5. Take walks, on a regular basis, with no other goal but to notice the beauty around you.
  6. Sleep at least 7 hours every night.  The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7+ hours/night for adults.
  7. Exercise.  30-minutes per day is ideal.
  8. Stretch your body.  There’s a reason cats seem so content…they stretch a lot. Click here for 10 simple stretches to try today.
  9. Eat well.  Maybe this just means to add a salad to your diet every day.  Maybe it means consuming less sugar.  Maybe it means drink more milk.  Check out this book, Eat Right 4 Your Type, that’ll help you to choose foods that agree with you based on your blood type.
  10. Don’t compare yourself to others.  Focus on, and celebrate, your own special gifts and abilities.
  11. Read books that you enjoy or make you feel good.
  12. Say “no” more often.  Saying no to someone or something is not bad.  Saying no leaves you open to really good yes’s.
  13. Write a letter to God and pour your heart out.
  14. Spend five minutes writing down what your perfect day would look like.  Now, plan to make it happen.
  15. Skip the doughnut…start your day with a healthy, delicious green smoothie.  Try this one with only four ingredients.
  16. Write in a gratitude journal daily.  I have a bunch of journaling ideas here.
  17. Take a 24-hour social media break.  Better yet, take a week or a month away from all the screens that suck up time.
  18. Do more of what you love.  If you love to play cards, but rarely play, schedule a weekly or monthly card night.
  19. Learn something that you’ve always wanted to.  Take a class, teach yourself, or learn online.  Just Google, “How to (put a word(s) for whatever it is you want to learn here)” and see what strikes your fancy.
  20. Write a list of things other people say you do well, or they like about you.  Keep that list handy for when you need encouragement.
  21. Let go of a grudge you’ve held for far too long.  Releasing the grudge = your freedom and peace.
  22. Cut yourself some slack.  Have you noticed, we can be our own worst critic?  Just treat yourself fairly.
  23. Being an adult can be exhausting, so spend more time acting like a kid. Need some ideas on how? I wrote about it here.
  24. Accept who you are.  Change what you can and want to, and accept the rest.
  25. Go on a personal retreat where you will come away rested, renewed, re-energized, inspired, and clear on “stuff”.
  26. Be a blessing to someone else.  Funny thing is, you will be blessed yourself by this action.
  27. Keep a happiness jar (aka: blessing box & gratitude jar).  Just write down things you are thankful for, that make you happy or make you laugh, etc. on a little piece of paper and store them in a jar.  Pull them out and read when you need some encouragement.  Here’s a cute DIY Happiness Jar with step-by-step instructions.
  28. Invest in yourself.  This ties in to some of the earlier items on the list like taking a class, going on a retreat, etc.  It may be that you finally buy that Kitchen Aide mixer you’ve always dreamed of to start your cupcake business.  Maybe you’ve wanted to attend a conference, spend time learning something new, or buy a good camera to develop your photography hobby.
  29. Believe in yourself.  This will come more naturally the more you love yourself, but if you’re not there yet, try and be your own cheerleader.  If you’ve ever been an encouragement to someone else, then remember what that was like and do the same for yourself…you deserve it.

Here’s to loving ourselves and others!


Jill xx


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Here’s How You Can Change The World

Having just commemorated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I’ve reflected on the good Dr. King did in his lifetime and the example and legacy he left us with.  As the “holiday” passes by, I don’t want us to miss and to truly believe how the heart and actions of one person can change the world.

While some of us are destined to create monumental change in the world like Dr. King, others of us–no less important–have the opportunity to create change in smaller ways in our corner of the world.

Read this part slowly: Every single one of us (that’s you!) has the potential to make a significant impact in the world.  Some of you reading this may not believe you can make a difference.  You may think that in order to make a difference you need to have more money, more time, a different job, know more people, live somewhere else.  Not true.

As with Dr. King’s example, great impact happens when we take efforts to protect someone or something.

Dr. King took a stand to protect the rights and freedoms of others…he took intentional steps and created a movement of change.

You and I have the ability to create change, too.  One way is to take steps to protect others.

We can begin by thinking about and responding to Dr. King’s statement and question here: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: “What are you doing for others?”

Who or what needs protecting in your corner of the world?  

  • Your family…your children, your spouse–your marriage.
  • Your friends.
  • Your community.
  • The homeless.
  • The abused.
  • The nation.
  • Your students.
  • Your neighbors.
  • The young.
  • The elderly.
  • The earth.

How can these people and these things be protected?

By taking intentional steps to:

  • Act in love.
  • Be respectful.
  • Be diligent.
  • Be kind.
  • Set healthy boundaries.
  • Be present.
  • Learn more.
  • Act with compassion.
  • Find out how you can help someone.
  • Remind someone of their worth.
  • Be a shoulder to cry on.
  • Do something that needs to be done that no one else wants to do.
  • Have eyes of awareness and hands of action.
  • Educate others.
  • Take a stand.

Did you notice that the list includes things each and every one of us can do?  Today!  No one needs to wait on getting their doctorate degree, or to obtain a high-level executive job, or to accumulate gobs of money.

What action will you take today?  Will you start with your family, your neighborhood, your community, your place of work, the world at large?

Thank you, in advance, for your part in making this world a beautiful place.

Jill xx

Share the love by sharing this post with your friends, family, and co-workers. Thank you!

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One Gesture That Will Change The World

There are two kinds of people.  Those that remember names and those that don’t.  The first group will meet you once, then see you in the grocery store three months later, and say hello to you by name.  People who remember your name make you feel special, don’t they?

The other type (that’s me), can go into a social situation with a sincere intention to remember names, but fail miserably.  I’ve tried all the tricks:  there’s the old “meet and repeat” trick in which you say their name multiple times during the conversation.  The problem is, when I do this it makes me feel like an inauthentic salesperson.  Then there’s the association trick:  You meet a lady named Cathy Smith, so you might imagine a cat doing some blacksmith work.  This never works for me because when I try to recall my association, I’ll remember a bird on a boat or something completely unrelated!  (If you’re interested in trying out some techniques for remembering names, Forbes has a good list here .)

Bottom-line: Why is it important to remember names?  Because it’s a good way to connect with others, develop relationships, and it shows you care.

Whether you’re good at remembering names or not, I have another idea that every single person will be able to do immediately without any training or practice, and this one act has the power to change the world.


Next time you shake someone’s hand, hold their hand in yours, look them in the eyes, and silently say a prayer or a blessing for them.  (NOTE: This works awesome with hugs too!)

Just a simple word or phrase:

“Bless her.”
“Help him.”
“Give her strength.”
“Protect her.”
“Thank you.”

This simple practice, which doesn’t take longer than a second or two, is a powerful act of good will that I learned from Dr. Lloyd John Ogilvie, Chaplain of the United States Senate (1995-2003).

Friends, in a world where so many of our interactions are digital, it’s more important than ever to be intentional with our in-person, actual physical interactions, and what better way than this?

Ok, it’s your turn.  I challenge you to try this with three different people in the next couple days.  Don’t be shy in patting your grocery-bagger on the shoulder and sending up a prayer/blessing.  I’d love to hear back from you after you’ve done this.  Was it hard, awkward, surprisingly easy, fun?

Thanks for your part in making this world a better place!

Have an awesome day!

Jill xx

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Do You Need Some Rest?

A couple weeks ago I wrote about choosing a single word for the year and, since then, many people have shared their words with me.

One woman chose a word that, although you and I may not have selected the same word for ourselves, I think is worth mentioning as an intentional practice we would ALL do well to incorporate into our busy schedules.

Her word for the year was:


Just saying the word gives me hope.  I even love the way the word looks!  Do you see how the “R” looks to be reclining?  It’s like the word is beckoning us in.  And if you draw out the pronunciation of the word, it’s almost meditative.  Try it… “Rrressssst”.  Breathe in.  Breathe out.  Rest.

Ahhh, that exercise already relaxed me some, but friends, we need more….rest.

As we kick off a new year, many of us are reviewing the events of last year and setting goals for the year to come, but unless you actually chose “rest” as your word for the year, you may have forgotten to be intentional with caring for yourself through rest. When we think of self-care, working out and eating right immediately come to mind.  Yes, these are wonderful ways to care for ourselves, but the idea of just “resting” is often overlooked.


Because in our fast-paced, multi-tasking, over-scheduled world, it’s not always easy to rest.

It can feel indulgent.  (It shouldn’t.)

Allowing yourself to rest can make you feel guilty.  (It shouldn’t.)

It seems like a luxury.  (It’s not…it’s a necessity.)

Rest should be part of your non-negotiable self-care routine.

In case you need a good reason or an argument backed with important facts in order to rest, here are three:

  1.  Rest rejuvenates your mind, body, and soul.
  2. Rest regulates your mood.
  3. Rest improves learning and memory function.

So, if you aren’t into rejuvenating your mind, body, and soul, don’t care if your mood is like a yo-yo, and don’t care much about your learning and memory function, go ahead and carry on as-is.

If you do care about taking care of yourself, and are willing to give yourself permission to enjoy some proper rest, then let’s see what you can do today, to make rest a reality in your life.

So….will you give yourself permission?

If you say yes, then go grab your calendar.

For real…get your calendar out.

Depending on your circumstances, you may have to schedule short, frequent times of rest…that is just great!  Maybe you’re at a time in your life, where you can schedule days or even a week for rest…that’s awesome too!

Ok, now, be realistic, but don’t be stingy with the time you’re going to devote to your rest.

Following are some scheduling suggestions:

Pick one or two of the following and schedule them out in your calendar for the next year.  I think you should use a pen.  There’s something honoring about scheduling self-care in with pen!

  • One hour per day.
  • One hour every two weeks.
  • One half to an entire day every 30 days.
  • One half to an entire day every 60 days.
  • One day per quarter (4x/yr).
  • One week every six months.
  • One week every year.
  • One month every year.  (Hey, we can dream, right?  Michael Hyatt takes a month long sabbatical every year.)

Will you do this?

It’s important.

If it still feels indulgent or is bringing up feelings of guilt, shut that voice out.

You deserve rest.

As you plan for your time and as the time approaches, be sure to make the most of your time–take your rest in a place of peace and quiet, with no distractions or interruptions.

I’m gonna be checking back with you later in the year.  I hope you will have a beautiful testimony to share.

With much love,

Jill xx

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The Power of One Single Word

What do you think about this concept?  “What you think about, you bring about.”

What if you could set in place an intentional and focused effort to think about one single word for the next year that would shape your reality?

Courage.  Faith.  Strength.  Hope.  Adventure.  Happiness.  Calm.  Grateful.  Focus.

This one word would be like an anchor thought.  When you go to bed at night, you’d think about this word.  When you rise in the morning you’d think about this word.  When you’re stuck in traffic and someone cuts you off, you’d think about this word.  When you’re happy, sad, or mad…you’d think about this word.

At times your word would perfectly describe your circumstances.  Other times, this word would seem to be completely unattainable.  Either way, you choose to draw on the strength and purpose of the word to guide your steps.

Awesomely enough, three guys actually wrote a book about the idea of choosing One Word for the year to define, anchor, and be “the driving force” in your life.

People all over the world have tried this concept out and have benefited from focusing on a single word for a single year.  Lives have been transformed!

Dan Britton, Jimmy Page, and Jon Gordon tell us in their book, “One Word creates clarity, power, passion and life-change. The simple power of One Word is that it impacts all six dimensions of your life – mental, physical, emotional, relational, spiritual, and financial.”

Whether you’re a goal-setter, a New Year’s resolution-er, or none of the above…setting your thoughts on one word for the year cannot be a bad thing.

Friends, I think it’s clear what we ought to do here.  Let’s pick a word and see what happens!

My word for 2016 is: Joy.

I vow to run my circumstances through my JOY lens in 2016.

If you decide to choose a word, too, will you please share your word with me (really, with us…others reading the comments may find inspiration for their word through your word)?

Here’s to experiencing focus, clarity, and purpose with ONE WORD for 2016!

Have great day!


Jill xx

Let’s help others to realize the gift of choosing ONE WORD….pass this post along.

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Focusing on What’s Important

I’m spending time with family (that I don’t get to see very often) this weekend, so instead of my usual blog post, I want to encourage you to remember where your time is best spent and not to worry about the “should” stuff too much.  Stuff can wait.  Time spent with loved ones is precious and can be fleeting.

Until next week…

Have an awesome day!

Jill xx


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Remembering the Sad and Lonely During the Holidays

A Simple Holiday Reminder 

The holidays can be the most wonderful time of the year….

for some…

For others, this time of year is sad and lonely.

Following are some ideas for you to be a Joy-Spreader for those having a difficult time during the holidays:

  • MAIL:  Send cards or letters to the elderly or home-bound people in your life.
  • VISIT:  Visit people who don’t have family or close friends nearby.  There are lots of people living in nursing homes that rarely have visitors–call ahead and ask who could use a visit.  Don’t forget your neighbors…sometimes those right under our noses, could use a friendly face in their lives.
  • SERVE:  Serve a meal to the homeless, deliver a meal through Meals on Wheels, or visit a Children’s Home.  Smile and engage in conversation–being “seen” by someone is a powerful gift.
  • INVITE:  Ask someone to join you for a holiday concert, your kid’s holiday play, a social gathering, or a church service.  Requiring less time, an invitation for a cup of coffee is also a great idea!
  • REMEMBER:  Don’t let the “out of site, out of mind” adage leave your loved ones feeling left behind.  Remember those far away from home (military, college students, etc.) by sending a special care package and having frequent communication.
  • PRACTICE COMPASSION: Be sensitive to those who have lost loved ones.  It never gets easy, but the sting of the loss is especially hard the first year or two.  This goes for those you have lost loved ones to death, but it’s also important to remember those who have experienced loss through divorce, too.

Here’s to being a rainbow in someone else’s cloud!

As always, I appreciate you spending time with me here today.  Please share this post with your friends, family, and co-workers.

Jill xx

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Don’t Make The Mistake of Skipping This Step

You know what I love about hard work, which also happens to be a major benefit of keeping a steady momentum?  The time you get to coast.  Using the analogy from our first week in this series, this is the time when you finally get your bike to the top of the hill and then you get to coast down the other side.  Feeling the breeze on your face, you slip your feet off the pedals and extend your legs out to the sides.  Closing your eyes, you rest for a moment–deep breath in and out.  Enjoy the fruits of your labor, you’ve earned it.

Friends, hard work pays off, but we have to allow it to.  Sometimes we have our heads down working so hard, we pass the precious coasting opportunities right by.  Don’t let this happen.  If you choose to skip over these “downtime” opportunities, you’re going to miss out on a part of life that is meant to nourish and rejuvenate you.

Following are the five areas that make up the COASTING phase of momentum:

Rest:  Resting your mind and your body is critical in your overall momentum strategy.  Think about resting as your time to refuel.  What happens when you don’t refuel?  You begin to run on fumes, and ultimately run out of gas altogether.

Recalibrate:  I think of recalibrating as regrouping or pushing the reset button.  Sometimes, just allowing time for rest will do the trick.  Other times, you may want to start a new exercise routine, do a body-cleanse, spend quality time with friends and family, take a vacation, or seek help from a counselor to deal with a specific issue.  Do what rejuvenates and/or heals you.

Reflection will provide illumination to areas that may normally be blind-spots or that haven’t been explored yet.  Use your coasting time to reflect on what has worked, what hasn’t, what was fulfilling, and what was draining.

Journaling:  Writing your thoughts, ideas, and reflections in a journal is an excellent way to, not only work things out in a stream of consciousness-type way, but to create a repository of content which you can access for future use.  For journaling ideas and inspiration, click here to read an article I wrote.

Plan:  The “coasting” phase is the perfect time to work on a plan for what’s next.  Use your clear, rested head, and your reflections to formulate your plan of action.

It’s important to use your “coasting” time wisely.  Don’t skip it because it sounds fun or frivolous.  It may be fun, but it’s far from frivolous.

Some questions for you to ponder:

Are you in a time of rest now?  How can you make the most of this time?  Is there one of the five areas you need to lean into a bit more?

Are you at a time when you might need to force yourself into a time of rest?  Don’t wait for the doctor to order it.

As always, I appreciate you spending time with me here today.

Here’s to coasting!  Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Jill xx

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