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Why you should act more like a child.

Yep, that’s me skipping down a wooded lane!  I’ll explain later…

Have you ever sat and watched children playing at a playground?  It’s been a while for me, but if I stop to remember, I can vividly hear the sound of feet running from place to place, the sound of joyful voices calling out to one another, and the ringing of laughter echoing across the park.

In an instant those sounds become hushed tones of excitement–the children, with their ever-curious minds, discover a colorful, fuzzy, multi-legged creature and enter into detailed discussion on how best to build a new home for him.  It doesn’t take long to formulate a plan…off they go with the unsuspecting creature in tow!

Ok, now imagine this same playground scene, but instead of kids running around, the park is filled with adults running and playing.  Ever driven by a park and seen that happen?  I haven’t.

Why is it that at some point, we as adults, turn a corner and the childlike wonder and enthusiasm we once had dissipates or disappears entirely?

I’m thinking we might want to take ourselves a little less seriously so we can experience the joy and freedom that comes with acting more like a child and less like an adult.

Take a look at the “childlike” qualities I have listed below and consider how adding a few into your adult-life repertoire will enrich your life:

Live in the moment.  Put the past behind you and don’t worry about the future.  We are adults after all, so I’m not suggesting you shirk all responsibilities, but practicing being present in the moment will greatly benefit your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Be curious.  Never stop asking questions.  Never stop learning.  If you think you have everything figured out, think again!

Laugh a little louder and longer.  Laughing is good for your soul.  Don’t stifle it!

Skip instead of walking.  I am a huge fan of skipping…yes, that’s me skipping in the picture above.   Sometimes, when I take the dogs out for a walk and when I think no one is looking, I’ll skip along for a block or so.  Talk about aerobic exercise!  Try it…it’s an awesome workout—it can burn up to 900 calories per hour.  It’s also a mood booster–just try to skip and not smile.  I know the neighbors might think you’re a kook, but If you’re thinking like a kid, who cares.
Trust a little easier.  Have you built up a wall of distrust based on past experiences?  That wall can rightly be a valid means of protection and self-preservation, but don’t allow that wall to block you from forming trust in all relationships.  Trust is the foundation in which we build strong relationships and bonds.  Try giving someone the benefit of the doubt…you just might be pleasantly surprised.

Play on the playground.  The next time you see a playground, get out there and play.  Get on that swing, pump your legs, and swing high.  Climb up the play structure and take a ride down the slide.  If you’ve got kids, don’t sit on the sidelines—get in there and play around with them.

Speak from your heart.  As adults, we create filters and if/then scenarios that can hinder authentic expression of our emotions.  Now, don’t get me wrong, filters can be a good thing, but sometimes just saying what you mean is the best way to go.

Play hand clapping games.  Remember “Say, say, oh playmate. Come out and play with me!”?  I have found that kids have a little more coordination with hand clapping games, so this exercise always provides lots of laughter!  My teenage son, who is always down for a good laugh, and I often try to set and break “clapping round” records.  Need a reminder of how to do or words to some of the songs?  Click here for some inspiration.

Slurp your spaghetti noodles.  I know there are some etiquette people out there cringing, but trust me, slurping spaghetti is liberating!  Just do your slurping at home!

Have sleepovers with one of your besties and talk until the wee hours of the night.

Cook like a kid.  Make pancakes in the shape of a snowman, a bunny, or a lizard.  Make a sandwich and cut it out in the shape of a heart or a star. 
Paint with your fingers. 
Yes, finger painting is messy, but painting with your fingers takes away any rigid “art rules” or creative boundaries that you may impose on yourself.  Click here to see some REALLY AMAZING art in which the artist, Iris Scott, only uses her fingertips.

Wear a tutu over your jeans.  Seriously, I don’t think this awesome look should just be reserved for cute little girls.  If you wear a tutu, you are bound to bust out a little twirl or dancer’s leap, which is never a bad thing.

Wear a superhero shirt and remember what it feels like to believe in your “power”.

Get a coloring book and a fresh pack of crayons and color to your heart’s delight.  I used to LOVE to color.  Why would I have chosen to give that up?  I remember when my mom retired, she got a really fancy coloring book and would use colored pencils to color.  Here are some really cool coloring books like the one she had.  You can also pick up a variety of fun coloring books at the supermarket or dollar store for less than a dollar.

Take a mid-day nap.  Enough said.

Life is filled with lots of moments that require us to act like serious adults, so embrace the moments when you can let your hair down and act like a kid!

If you follow my lead and try out a few of the ideas above and hear someone say, “Don’t be so childish!” or “Act your age!”, just smile and encourage them to try it out for themselves.

I hope your day is filled with childlike joy, enthusiasm, and belly laughter!

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Jill xx