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4 Simple Decluttering Strategies That Will Rock Your World

You’re not gonna want to miss this one, friends!  I’m sharing four decluttering strategies today that will rock your world.

You may have heard how outer-order brings about inner-calm, right?  Well…it’s true!  And the beauty of it is, it’s not that difficult.

Your environment often dictates how productive, efficient, comfortable, and happy you are.  The key is to declutter your space.

The idea of decluttering may bring to mind huge, overwhelming projects, like cleaning out the basement that has 87 years of collective family memories stored.  While decluttering the basement is a worthy goal, this isn’t what we’re going to focus on today. We’re going to look at decluttering strategies that won’t take more than 60 minutes max.  In fact, you’ll be able to achieve de-clutterment (I think I just made that word up!) in less time that it takes you to move one single item from one room to the next.

I’m a firm believer in baby steps, so let’s get started…

In today’s video, I share four simple decluttering strategies that will have you feeling that amazing inner-calm feeling in no time at all.

Well…I suggested four strategies…which will you implement today?  You know, at the very least, it’s only going to take a minute or two. Share with me your victorious decluttering wins in the comments below.

Much love,

Jill (The 5-Minute Taskmaster) xx

P.S.  Good tips like this should never be hoarded!  Please share my blog with your friends, family, and co-workers…you know they’ll thank you for it.  : )