

Top 5 Online Etiquette Rules

I’m sure you’ve seen the animal cruelty commercials with Sarah McLachlan’s voice crooning a sad song in the background.  If you haven’t, I don’t recommend you do, the images are haunting and painful to watch.

Earlier this week, I read a friend’s Facebook post and was sickened by what she had involuntarily experienced online.

Here’s what Cheri wrote:

“I feel violated! Right here on facebook I just saw a woman get run over. I’m sickened by something I cannot “unsee”. All to raise awareness of the dangers of playing pranks.

Did that need to be shared? Do tortured dogs and insane criminals and fatal car accidents need to be on facebook? Does seeing horrific images really cause people to act differently? Do scare tactics work?

Research says time and time again an astounding NO!!

So for the love of all that is good, please stop sending horrific images to your unsuspecting friends. I’d rather see people’s’ self-centered, duck-faced selfies (barf) than these kinds of horrors.

Awareness is fine. Sensationalism is not.

Rant over. Carry on.”

Have you experienced something like this?  I once saw a video of a prison beating that I couldn’t get out of my head for weeks.

Did you know that in some cases, seeing images like this on TV or the Internet can lead to symptoms much like PTSD?

In light of all this, I think it’s a good opportunity for us to be reminded of some basic etiquette rules we should be following in our online interactions.

I’ve come up with my top five list here.  Feel free to add others in the comments section, but please follow these rules when you do so. : )


Be Kind.  You know what it feels like when someone is unkind to you…it hurts.  Remember how that felt next time you start to say or do something unkind to someone online.  If there’s any question, I suggest you speak out loud what you have typed before you share, and when in doubt, just follow Jesus’ teaching, Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

Be Authentic.  Oscar Wilde offers this bit of advice: “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”  If your online and in-real-life personality and behavior are markedly different, you might want to check your motives and make some adjustments.  If people don’t like you for who you were created to be, don’t worry about trying to please them.

Think Before You “Speak”.  Remember that nothing is ever permanently removed or deleted online.  If you are super emotionally charged about something, try using a one-hour rule: write or type out your thoughts and wait one hour before hitting send/reply/post.  Also, please refrain from hateful spewing when you don’t agree with someone else’s opinion or perspective.  Looking for a job?  Prospective employers are looking online to find out more about their applicants…they may see something that will put you out of the running.

Don’t post disturbing graphics or videos.  Don’t cause your friends emotional distress by sharing things that they will not be able to “unsee.”  If you’re determined to share this type of media, please post a content warning and include a link or a page your friends can visit–if they choose to.         

Promote Good.  There is so much good in our world, but oftentimes the “bad” news overruns the headlines.  We can change this by what we choose to view and share: 1. Watch the good stuff, ignore the rest.  2. Be generous in sharing the beautiful, funny, sweet, and amazing goodness you experience or come across.

Have a great week!

Jill xx

P.S.  If you enjoy reading my blog, please share with your friends and family.  Thanks!

One last thing…in an effort to share joy online, you must watch this mega dose of cuteness:

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Gratitude in a Virtual World

There are 829 million daily active users on Facebook today.

What are we all doing there?

We are either sharing, watching others share, snooping, or a  little of each.

We share milestones: Births. Deaths. Job changes. Relationship status updates. The list goes on.

We share beautiful sunsets, what we ate for lunch, funny memes, how many goals our awesome kids scored, and ALS bucket dousing videos. The list goes on.

What do we tend to steer away from sharing? The awful fight we got in with our spouse or best friend, the ginormous zit on our chin, the failed test, the feelings of despair after you get “the call” from the doctor’s office. The list goes on.

Seven days ago, I was challenged on Facebook to list out things I was grateful for each day, for seven consecutive days.

While I don’t often share much about myself on Facebook, this has been a fun exercise.

What have I been most grateful for this past week? Family and friends. The sound of children laughing. My relationship with God. Being flawed, yet still fabulous. Music that rocks my soul. Quality time with my boy before he leaves for college. People who smile. Life-saving blood cells from an umbilical cord that saved my best friend’s life.

Today is the last day of sharing my heart on this seven-day gratitude challenge.

Here were the words I shared on Facebook today:

Today I am super grateful, proud and nervous to announce the birth of…


For those of you that know me, I hope I didn’t dash your expectations for a moment that I might be birthing another human-being! Are you kidding?! I’ve got my only offspring headed to college any minute. What will this empty nester have time for now?

Writing… HERE .

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” Ernest Hemingway

I have imagined starting a personal and business development (think life-coach/teacher) website for several years. Like many of us tend to do, I pushed that idea back in the dusty corner that doesn’t receive much attention.

Until now. My dream has officially been dusted off, semi-polished and I’m throwing glitter in the air!

My goal in writing this blog is to provide a virtual space that will be a place of inspiration, encouragement and education. A place to ask questions and share ideas. (To gain a sense of why I might like to provide such a place, click here to read a little about my personal and professional background.)

I should let you know…

THIS post wasn’t the post I planned to launch my blog with. I actually wrote an extensive article on living a life of purpose and passion. I even created a printable goal sheet to go with that post! (The geek in me will tend to rear its head from time to time here—no apologies.) I hope you will find that particular post very helpful in the future. HINT: Subscribe to this blog and it will magically arrive in your inbox each week.

With this being the last day of my gratitude challenge and the launch of this website, how could I NOT write about gratitude and the effect it has on our lives.

Whether you choose to share in a public format or simply write in a journal each day, I encourage you to express your gratitude daily. It will change your life.

Choosing gratitude each day is not always easy, but with practice you will find that it is possible to be grateful even in the most difficult of circumstances.

John F. Kennedy once said, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.

Express Gratitude Today

If you choose to subscribe to this blog, you will hear from me once (maybe twice) per week. I will try to bring value to your life with the thoughts and information I share. I hope you, in turn, will contribute your thoughts and ask questions for us to ponder in the comment section below each post.

I would be honored if you would put your name and email in the subscription box and see where this journey takes us.  Jill xo