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Your Daily Dose of Intentional Living – Week 3 Wrap Up

Want to live a more fulfilling and intentional life?  Sometimes we just need some reminders, fresh inspiration, and someone who’s been there and desires the same thing.

This is my 3rd week of broadcasting Your Daily Dose of Intentional Living LIVE this month and I’ve compiled all the videos right here in one place for you.  My goal is to provide helpful and inspirational content and provide simple steps to be more intentional with our time and efforts.

Ever feel like you’re completed overwhelmed, OVER IT, or just ready to have a little less stress in your life?  I share two simple exercises that will help you to create a clean slate every day.  I’d love to hear how these work for you!


In this episode, I discuss ways to overcome holiday stress and drama that inevitably happens each year, and also share some good tips to overcome the winter blues.

Mentioned in this video:
Click here to find the fun and free printable conversation starters.  I’d love to hear back from you how smooth and fun your holiday table conversations go after using these!


Wednesday word was DISCIPLINE.  If you’re lacking discipline in an area of your life that you really want to change, this is the video for you!  I share five steps that will help you achieve the discipline you need to make the progress you want.


Today were throwing back to the creator of the model T — Henry Ford. Let’s see what Henry can teach us about creating a growth mindset.

Mentioned in this video:
Mindset by Carol Dweck


Learn a super effective way to be a better friend.

Mentioned in this video:
The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
My article from a few years ago on The 5 Love Languages.

Friends, if you know of someone who might find value in what I’ve shared in these videos, don’t be shy–share away!

Did you miss the wrap-up video posts from previous weeks?
Click here to watch week 1 videos.
Click here to watch week 2 videos.

Here’s to being kind human beings.

Much love,

Jill xx

Disclosure: Some of the links (for the books on Amazon) in this post are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

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Facebook LIVE Week 2 Wrap-Up

Here’s a wrap-up from this week’s Facebook LIVE series: Your Daily Dose of Intentional Living.  If you weren’t able to catch my broadcasts live or later, here they are!

Click here to download your Intention Journal worksheet.  Use this journal to make notes and reminders of helpful ways to pracitce intention in your life.

Monday Motivation

See how taking advice from your “objective self” can be some of the best advice you receive.  Watch and let me know if you’ve ever used this technique.

Tuesday Tip

For this week’s tip, I share a time management tip that, should you implement, will most likely save you at least an hour or even two per day.  No kidding!

Wednesday Word

Today’s word is Community.  Now, more than ever, our communities, our nation need more involvement than before.  I’ve posed three questions for us all to consider in an effort to transform division into action in our communities.  Watch and let me know your thoughts.

Throwback Thursday

We’re stepping up to bat for some wisdom from the one and only, Yogi Berra.  One of Yogi’s famous quotes has taught me a thing or two about the importance of observing and watching.  Watch this video and see if the Yogi-ism mentioned resonates with you, too.

Friendship Friday

Talking about a way to categorize relationships in order to keep a good life-balance, maintain healthy relationships, and rid yourself of the toxic people in your life.  Warning: Don’t confuse this exercise with elf on the shelf!

Friends, if you know of someone who might find value in what I’ve shared in these videos, don’t be shy–share away!

Did you miss the wrap-up from last week?  Click here to watch those videos.

Here’s to being kind human beings.

Much love,

Jill xx

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Facebook LIVE Week 1 Wrap-Up

Your Daily Dose of Intentional Living series went LIVE on Facebook this week.  Each morning at 7 a.m. E.T. (don’t worry, you can watch later, too), I go LIVE and spend 5-10 minutes sharing something that you can implement immediately or at least ponder and use in your efforts to living an intentional life.

Click here to download your free Intention Journal page and follow along each day recording your own thoughts and intentions throughout the week.

Day 1 – Tuesday TIP

I share Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix.  It’s all about choosing the Important over the Urgent, my friends!
Side note– While I love Stephen Covey’s Matrix, this was my first LIVE video, I was nervous as heck, and the example of the matrix I was sharing was apparently backwards on the screen–so you might want to skip down to Wednesday’s WORD–this resonated with a lot of people, and I hope it will with you, too.

Click here to learn more about Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix.

Books mentioned on Tuesday TIP video:
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
First Things First by Stephen Covey

Day 2 – Wednesday’s Word

Our word this week was “Acceptance”.  Whether it be accepting where you are in your life right now, the betrayal of a friend, or the death of a loved one, we all know how tough this step can be.  But, friends, it’s a critical one.  Please watch this video and see where you might need to allow acceptance into your life in order to heal your soul.

Day 3 – Throwback Thursday

Today we learn some great wisdom on intentional living from Helen Keller and Alexander Graham Bell.  Wait until you hear about the connection between these two!

Books mentioned on Tuesday TIP video:

The Story of My Life by Helen Keller

Day 4 – Friendship Friday

Who are the five people you spend the most time with?  Do you they lift you up or bring you down?  Today, I’m sharing some wisdom from Jim Rohn ont the importance of surrounding ourselves with people we respect, are encouraged by, help us to make good decisions, and be the best version of ourselves.

Join me over on Facebook for the LIVE for the “Your Daily Dose of Intentional Living” series that I’ll be filming through the entire month of November.

Click here to watch Week 2 videos.

Here’s to loving your intentional life!

Jill xx

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Reboot Your Life

We’ve all been there.  Our computer locks up or we get some weird error that pops up.  The IT guy tells us to “reboot”.  In most cases, the reboot works like a charm.

Ever felt like you need a reboot in life?

Does one of these scenarios sound familiar?

  • You had a conversation where you stuck your foot in your mouth and wished you could hit the rewind button.
  • You started off your day stubbing your toe when getting out of bed and ended that same day with breaking your favorite lamp.
  • A bad decision you made has gotten worse. ‘What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’ is a cute phrase thrown around, but the reality is that some of our decisions can be a nightmare that we don’t wake up from.
  • A bad mood sets in for no apparent reason, and you just feel down.
  • You are totally overwhelmed with your busy schedule.

If a reboot works for our computers, how much more could a reboot work for our minds, our bodies, and our souls?

Here are some reboot suggestions that can be implemented immediately:

  • Take a walk.
    Research shows increased health benefits with a 30-minute walk per day. It can cut the risk of heart disease, the #1 cause of death of men and women, by 40%!Don’t think you can fit in a consecutive 30-minute walk each day?  Break up your exercise time into three 10-minute walks per day–breaking it up like this is actually more effective for blood pressure control!  After you read this, plan to take a 10-minute walk within the next two hours.  After you take that walk, set up a time for your next.  Make this a habit.  You won’t be sorry.
  • Take a deep breath…or two…or three.
    Deep breathing is a definite stress reliever and you don’t need any special gear or a club membership to do it. Deep breathing gives you more energy (bringing in more oxygen to your body), more focus (especially when you are very intentional with your breathing–you quiet your mind, giving it a break and a reboot!), and deep breathing also activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is critical to your body’s healing and digestion processes.  Try it now.  Breathe in for five seconds and out for five.  Do this three or four times.  Good job!
  • Make a change in your diet.
    It’s no fun feeling sluggish, especially when your sluggishness is caused by the things we choose to ingest.  One quick and easy change to your diet is to incorporate some foods that are not only good sources of magnesium, Omega-3 fatty acids and protein, but are also known to boost brain power!  Some good options are: salmon, avocado, nuts, berries, spinach, and dark chocolate.Now, we all know the types of foods that drag us down.  For me it’s too many carbs!!  I LOVE carbs!  It’s not until I limit (NOTE:  I didn’t say cut out completely) my carb intake that I feel and see the effects.  Here’s an idea.  Make a decision to lay off one or two of the foods that you think might make you feel sluggish and see how you feel after a couple weeks.
  • Just Say “Maybe”
    Are you a “yes” woman or man? I admit, I am a recovering “yes” woman.  For most of my life I would say yes to almost everything asked of me.  I wouldn’t consult my calendar, my already packed schedule, or my husband.  THIS is NOT a good habit.  Remember, a well thought through yes, is 100-times better than 100 knee-jerk yes’s.  My recommendation is to never commit yourself to something without sleeping on it first.By the way, some of us (women mostly) somehow decided that our worth was based on how much we were doing or what people thought of what we were doing.  The sooner we can get that line of thinking in-check the better!
  • Hang out with a friend or two.
    Friendships enrich our lives.  As a matter of fact, having a network of friends is tied to living longer.  Something to remember is that there are different types of friendships and one is not necessarily better than the other.  You may have friends that are there for the good and bad times — priceless.  Some friends have you in stiches all the time, but they may not be the “call in the middle of the night if you need help” type of friend.  You know what “they” say, laughter is sometimes the best medicine.  Other friends may be with you for a season and move on – enjoy the time you have with one another.
  • Take a technology break.
    This day and age, many of us are more connected to our virtual reality than we are to our REAL reality.  Do yourself and those around you a favor and set aside time when you truly unplug from ALL the technology in your life.  We haven’t always had the information and capabilities at our fingertips like we do today, and believe it or not, you WILL NOT die if you take a break!  As a matter of fact, you may live longer.  That’s right!  Our brain is an organ—the CENTER of your nervous system– and it needs rest in order to grow and perform to its potential.
  • Give thanks. Last but definitely not least, give thanks.  I firmly believe this is the most important on our list.  When you stop and take a moment to realize all that you have to be thankful for, your entire perspective on life changes.  Some days it might be hard to dredge up something that you are thankful for.  Start with the things that many of us take for granted, like the breath you just took or the food you ate for lunch…each of us will have a different list, but all of us can find things to be grateful for.Go ahead, grab a pen and write down five things you are thankful for right now.  If you choose to spend 1 minute per day doing this, you will be amazed at how fast your list will grow AND how much more you will feel thankful.

If you are an over-achiever, here’s the instant-reboot-implementation-plan for you:

Take a walk with a funny friend and practice your deep breathing exercises together (this will undoubtedly provide extra bouts of laughter).  After your walk, grab a bite to eat and enjoy a delicious spinach, walnut and salmon salad.  Don’t forget to give thanks for your friendship and the food before you eat!  As you part ways, tell your friend you will have to sleep on it before making a decision as to whether you will join her in volunteering to clean the local park the following weekend.

Did you notice that this entire experience was technology free?  You and your friend did not check your Facebook status once during your time together, and you lived to tell about it.

All kidding aside, what type of things do you do to reboot?  Is there something that I haven’t listed that works best for you?  Please add your suggestions in the comments section.  Your idea may be the one that helps someone who is in need of a reboot today.

As always, I appreciate you taking time to read my blog.  If you have found value in something you read here today, please share.

Jill xx