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3 Secrets to Managing Your Expectations

What if I told you that you could cut back on frustration, disappointment, and preserve your relationships, all in 3 simple steps?

OK, that may have sounded a bit like an infomercial!  JUST 3 SIMPLE STEPS for $19.99!! Order now while supplies last!! (Best if read in your best late-night infomercial voice.)

But seriously…who wants to feel these negative emotions and threaten our most precious relationships?

The key is to managing your expectations.

Think about all the life events in which we either don’t know what to expect or we have a very clear expectation, but for one reason or another, that expectation is dismantled when #LIFEHAPPENS.

What sort of expectations do you have around the circumstances of your life?  There’s no one way to handle a newly emptied nest, a divorce, a scary diagnosis, a rebellious child, a new job, losing a job, a difficult relationship, or any other life-transition, but you can sure hedge your bets for a smoother experience if you learn to manage your expectations.

These 3 steps will help…

I’d love to hear from you.  In the comments below, tell me which of these steps is the most difficult for you.  The 2nd and 3rd have been my main stumbling blocks, but you know what? Just reminding ourselves of steps like these are how we get back on track.

As always, I appreciate you spending time with me here today.

Here’s to successfully managing our expectations in an effort to live our best lives!

Jill xx