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Your Guide To Everyday Mindfulness


Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be present.

You’d think those three words, “basic-human-ability” would make it a no-brainer for us to be able to really be present in the moments that fill our lives, but alas, as with so many good things, it’s just not that easy.  Mindfulness takes work.

That’s why the word “practice” is so often combined with the word “mindfulness.”  Just like anything we want to get better at, we must practice.  You can’t expect to perform a perfect cartwheel without practice, right?  The same goes with mindfulness.  Daily practice will help you to create mindful habits, which will, in turn, create a lifestyle of living in present moments.

I created a guide called, The Practice of Everyday Mindfulness that has lots of normal, everyday events that you can practice at being more mindful. If you’d like to lower your stress, increase focus and clarity, and improve your relationships, I suggest you download it immediately.  : )

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In today’s video I discuss what mindfulness is, how it can make your life better and how you can begin practicing mindfulness today.

I’d like to hear what works for you in your efforts to be more present.  Do you practice mindfulness?  Is there something else that helps you reach this state of awareness?  Have you tried any of the exercises I suggest in today’s video?

As always, I appreciate you spending time with me here today.

Share my blog with a friend, family-member or co-worker that might find this topic interesting and/or helpful.

Here’s to experiencing more mindful moments in our day-to-day lives.

Jill xx