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Taking Time to Develop My Passion in San Diego

B Letter to readers

If you’ve read my blog before, you know I am a big believer in self-care and personal development.  As you can see from my note above, I traveled to San Diego, California this week to do a little of both: attending a one-day conference and visiting with family.  I won’t be writing a typical blog post this week, but wanted to share some photos with you for fun.

If you’ve never been to San Diego, you must!  It’s a beautiful area.  I’m going to share a few photos below of the first 36 hours of my visit.

I should have known something was going on when my luggage was held up in security.  They spend a good two minutes eye-balling my bag under the x-ray machine.
I’m guessing this stash below was the reason why.  My husband snuck in these tasty goodies to surprise me on my trip.  Yep, he’s a keeper!

B Treats from William

The weather in San Diego is typically clear skies and sunny with an average temperature of 70 degrees.  Not too shabby!  It has been a little overcast and in the mid-60’s on my visit thus far.  Great walking weather!

I’m staying in the La Jolla area and there are lots of surfers, and as you can see from the photo below, scuba divers too, that frequent this beach.

B La Jolla Shores Beach with air tanks

Beach art!

B Seaweed at La Jolla Shores Beach

I could watch sandpipers all day.  They walk super fast and stick their long beaks in the sand to pull out insects and other small organisms to eat.  Check out his reflection.

B Sandpiper in La Jolla

This seagull had a cool personality.  He was strutting around like he owned the place.

B Gull strolling on the beach La Jolla

Surf rescue gulls!

B Gulls on the rescue patrol La Jolla

These beautiful trees, at a park along the beach, are works of art!

B Cool tree in La Jolla

These flowers along the beach path that smell like heaven!  Not sure of the name but I had my nose buried in these every chance I got.

B Delicious smelling flowers

Leaving the beach area now and strolling through some neighborhoods close by…

I have some horticulture, landscape design friends who laugh at me because instead of identifying plants/trees by their real names, I just name them for how they look.  I have named this tree a “painted bottlebrush”.  Please chime in down in the comment section if you know the true name.

B Cool tree blooms La Jolla

Bird of Paradise!

B Bird of Paradise La Jolla

Amazing succulent garden in someone’s front yard.

B Succulent garden La Jolla

These beautiful gated entryways to homes are typical in this area.

B Lovely entry way in La Jolla

I feel sorry for these people.  Just look at what they have to look at every day!

B Killer view in La Jolla

Rusty pelican guarding this home’s front entrance.

B Pelican Yard Art La Jolla

After enjoying a long walk, I headed off to my conference.

This was my view at the conference.  That’s Chris Ducker and Pat Flynn up front.  The day was AWESOME!  I met so many smart, kind and generous people with hearts for making a difference online.  I’ll tell you more about it in the future.

B My view at the conference

I’m here for a few more days to spend time with some of my West Coast family.  Look forward to meeting you back here next Saturday!

Jill xx