

Grief During the Holidays

Amidst the beauty and joy of the holidays, there is also some very deep grief being felt by many who have lost a loved one.

Whether it’s the first holiday celebrated without a loved one or the 10th anniversary of their death, the holidays really magnify the loss.

How can we help the holiday season be a little brighter this year for someone who is grieving?

While there is no perfect answer and each situation is different, the point is to make an effort to be sensitive to those who are grieving and show them love and compassion.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Send them a card letting them know you are thinking about them.
  • Call and tell them you are thinking about them. If they don’t answer, leave a short, sweet message.
  • Include them in your holiday celebrations, but graciously accept their refusal if they are not up to it.
  • Take them out for coffee, to a movie, or for a walk.
  • Be a good listener. This is a good time to keep your mouth closed.  Sometimes the things we say with an intention to comfort may produce the opposite result.
  • Tell them your favorite story about their loved one. From the day my mom died, almost 11 years ago, to now, I love it when people share their memories of her.
  • Pray for their hearts to be healed. “God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3 offers the following list of ten of the best and worst things to say to someone in grief:

best and worst things to say to someone grieving from grief dot com

Have you lost a loved one?  Is there anything you would add to these lists?

If you are reading this and are grieving the loss of a loved one, I am so very sorry for your loss.   If you would like to share a story of your loved one or maybe just mention their name as a tribute here on this blog, it would be an honor.  I will start by leaving a comment myself.

Jill xx