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Laughter is the best medicine

When’s the last time you had a really good laugh? The kind where you either cry, nearly hyperventilate, or pee your pants.

This type of laughter has got to be one of THE best feelings and we adults need more of it!

Did you know that the average four-year-old laughs 300-500 times per day, while the average 40-year-old laughs ONLY 7-15 times per day? There’s something wrong with this picture. Yes, we as adults have more on our “plates”, but let’s not take ourselves too seriously. I think we must all agree to engage in more laughter!

Why is laughter so important?

Besides the obvious – that it makes you feel good and brings you happiness – there are lots of other benefits, too. Here are several:

Laughter is good for those around you. When others see you laugh, it makes them feel good, smile, and maybe even join in on the laughter. Perhaps a strategy to work towards world peace?

Laughter is a universal sign of happiness. There are many unusual cultural gestures and behaviors that may cause you to be arrested in some countries, but I’d venture to guess that laughter will not get you thrown in prison. It will most likely draw you closer to someone. Laughter is a bond like no other.

Laughter reduces stress. Have you ever laughed really hard over a stressful event, because you just can’t believe it even happened? Recently, something really ridiculous, not right, and a real bummer happened to my husband and as he was breaking the news to me, we both began laughing uncontrollably. I’m telling you, it really lightened the mood and helped make a pretty stressful situation more bearable.

Laughter is a natural mood enhancer. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. This is the same thing that happens when runners achieve a “runner’s high”.

Laughter can ease your pain. These same endorphins can also inhibit pain signals in your body. I remember experiencing a great deal of pain after having my appendix removed when I was a little kid, and my brother stuck corn in his nose to try and make me laugh. I think our laughing may have actually decreased my pain–at least temporarily.

Laughter is good for your heart. Laughter gets your blood pumping, which increases oxygen flow to your body’s tissues. This keeps your organs happy and your cardiovascular system in good shape.

Laughter is good for the grieving heart. A friend’s beloved father passed away recently, and while she was making plans to spend a day with her mom and sister, they realized that since they were going to pick up his ashes from the funeral home early on in the day, they’d just have to bring him along to lunch at Cracker Barrel. The thought of this gave them all a much needed laugh.  Laughing when you’re sad is very therapeutic.

In an effort for us to catch up to the young’uns and their 300-500 laughs per day, let’s share some laughter today. I’ve posted some of my favorite funny videos and, in turn, I’d love it if you’d share your favorite funny video link or even a funny story in the comments.

Commence the laughter…

You’ve heard of twin talk, right? These two take the cake!

Preciousness x 4…

The singing trio…

I’ve soooo been this lemur while in class, meetings, and church!

This cute older couple is trying to figure out how to take a picture on their computer…

A cute version of “Take This Job and Shove It.”  This baby is laughing at his daddy ripping up a rejection letter he’d just received. Good attitude little one!

Our dog has a similar look when she’s guilty. Denver is too precious!

I hope these videos have upped your laughter quota for the day.  What’s your favorite laugh-out-loud video?  Share in the comments below.

Now go spend the day with someone who makes you laugh!

Jill xx

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